Chronic Stress, Discrimination, and Latinx Health

Chronic Stress, Discrimination,
and Latinx Health

Rural Nebraska Town

Chronic Stress, Discrimination, and Latinx Health

Core Faculty Drs. Tierney Lorenz and Trey Andrews are leading a NIH funded longitudinal study focused on examining how discrimination drives allostatic stress and this chronic stress impact of social networks and health of Latinx in Nebraska. Evelyn Estrada and Juan Castano are coordinating recruitment and data collection of ArDEAN. This study consists of a baseline lab visit and Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMA) surveys that are sent out up to 4 weeks following the baseline visit. During the first visit, biological data (e.g., blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol) will be collected along with saliva samples utilized to measure cortisol or stress levels. Participants will also complete baseline surveys used to collect demographic information, social networks, mental health symptoms, and participant health. Once participants have completed the baseline measures, they will begin receiving “daily diary” messages aimed to measure stressful experience through the course of 4 weeks. A year and two years after the initial baseline, participants will be asked to complete follow-up visits. Participants are recruited using prior community connections established by Sara Reyes and in partnership with El Centro.

Meet Tierney Lorenz Meet Trey Andrews

Questions? Contact Trey Andrews.

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